
Thursday, October 11, 2012

NeW BaCkGrOunD

Assalammualaikum & Hye...

Harini baru jer upload background yang chibi buat, hurmm.... Nampak macam messy jer..

Pixel pon tak cukup..terpaksa guna tile.. need improvement. header is on the way...tak siap lagi lukis

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

NanNinG: ThE ArriVaL

Assalamualaikum & Hye...

From 18th to 26th of September, my parents & I went to NanNinG, China as we joined the event that is under Matrade, CAEXPO.

Our flight was chartered for the whole Malaysian participants. Is was a China Airlines..., i don't really get the name. The flight takes off at about 12.15pm after a delay of 15 minutes. The interior is just like Airasia, only it have a few rows of two seaters compared to others that is three seaters on the left and right side.

About 15 minutes after the take off we wers served with drinks and afterwards....FoOd...! (for lunch) Don't worry, it's a Halal one. It is just nice but i really love the bread. it's tasty!

i guess everyone was hungry. No one even bothers to raised up their head. 

This picture was taken in the journey from the airport to Nanning Hotel, where we will be staying for a week. 
those were all the Asian country that takes part in the event.

As soon as we arrived, we were led to the 8th floor of the fortune tower (hope i didn't get the name wrong) for the briefing & dinner.

So then,

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

DoOdLe nO 2

Assalamualaikum & Hye..

Jeng jeng jeng..... My second doodle:
So...okey x?

Yang ni chibi lukis guna aplikasi Paint Joy, sangat simple la nak guna. sesuai la untuk chibi.

Lagi.., kite sambung next entry..

Thursday, October 4, 2012

"My ComE-BaCk"

Assalamualaikum & Hye...!

okay, so today will just be a short entry 'bout me makin' my comeback in art..

Art.. "nape? Tak percaye..?"

Takde la comeback mane pon sebenarnyer..
This is just my hobby, my interest, my passion & my joy during my school years..

I haven't been drawing/doodling for awhile. So, now i'm getting back on track and this is it:
See you guys later then,

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Assalamualaikum & Hye...!

Dah lame betol rasanya tak update blog neh. So, harini ingat nak kemas2 kan sket blog.. 
 * ready ngan penyapu & feather duster di kiri & kanan tangan* 
Huk..huk..huk.... Banyaknyer debu... 

 Okeyla... Uhm...sebab dah lame tak update nih kerana kerja y banyak...( buat2 bizi jer..) & cuti tahunan 2 minggu..heheh.. lame kan..? Best..! 

 Okey, nisah cakap pasal kerja dululah. After cuti raya tu mula sibukkan diri dengan inspection list untuk premis berlesen, ade 11 semua & sekarang masih berbaki 3 lagi. Nasib baik inspection klinik dah habis bulan 5 haritu.. Agak best jugak la buat inspection nih..sebab dapat kluar jalan, sesat jalan, cari jalan & jalan-jalan. 

Premis berlesen ni adalah kilang atau syarikat yang ada Lesen B, Lesen A, Permit NaOH dll dripada pihak farmasi. tugas kitorang adalah untuk pergi periksa premis tuh untuk pastikan dia ikut semua keperluan & kehendak lesen tersebut. 

Paling best dapat peluang masuk kilang2 besar, siap kena pakai safety helmet & boot lagi..tak muat plak tuh, macam pakai kasut McDonald jer. 

Part yang paling best sekali 

 Biasanye paling lama pon cuti balik kampung 1 minggu je, tapi kali ni ambik 2 minggu sebab ikut mak abah pegi Nanning, China. 
Memang best la dapat tengok negara orang, memang satu pengalaman yang tak dapat dilupakan.. Nanti nisah akan buat entry khas "Nanning", nak kene sort gambar dulu jap. 

sampai sini jer kali nih. 

(p/s: dah lama tak menulis blog nih, rase macam kurang berskill pulak entry nih...ahhh.. biar je lah)