
Sunday, November 18, 2012

NanNing: The TraFiC

Assalamualaikum & Hye...!

It has been awhile since chibi last post. So lets continue about Nanning. Here a few pix that chibi snap during all the bus rides. Chibi can say that it had a very different view from what we had in Malaysia.

Just look at all those people. Their main transportation is bike, bike & bike. there are also some bicycle installed with engine, and is a rare existance.

Another thing is their speed limit. They have 2 separate lane/road for different speed. Interesting... Chibi not sure whether its per mile or per km but chibi didn't found anything more than 100. Usually the fast lane (80) were mostly for cars and busses, and the other one for bikes. 

Guess what..? this is their main public transport.

It is called....uuhh.. what was it again, its kinda difficult to pronounce so chibi doesn't even bother to register it in Memory Lane.. It is the most common and readily available public transport there. They also have busses and taxi but not as much.

Just a warning.. If you guys have a weak heart don't even bother to take a ride....these guys are Dare Devil Drivers...! All of them..!

Bayangkan pemandu dia buat kona baring depan bas yang bergerak sebab nak buat U-turn.... Kecut perut woh... Tak pepasal ukur lilit pinggang I kurang 1 1/2 inci.

This is the last day of the Expo, so you can see there is a lot of people coming in.

Okey guys..

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A YeAr OldEr

Assalamualaikum & Hye...

As the title says.. i'm a year older now... sebab harini adalah Birthday nisah yang ke....

Jeng jeng jeng...
agak2 bape umo nisah?


Yup! I'm forever 21..Tehehehe...pecaye tak? Pecaye tak?
bukannyer ape.., macam lecturer nisah cakap dulu, manusia ade 3 jenis umor: phisiological age, psicological age & numerical age...

agak2 umor ape yang nisah bagi tuh... hehehe
sape ley jawab umor 21 tuh umor yang mane nisah bagi markah bonus..

Wish ape tahun nih? Wish ker..? uhm...okey

First skali, yang nisah paling teringin sekali nak ada adalah"pintu suka hati". (peminat Doraemon mesti tau nih).. sebab senang nisah nak balik kampung, bukak jer pintu dah sampai..dari kecik lagi teringin tapi xde sape nak bagi...

lagi..., nisah nak Iphone..kalau ade yang sudi bagi nisah terima jer..kalau tak, tunggu la hp nisah yang sedia ada ni rosak dlu, baru beli laen.

Third-one.., i nak hUbbY...!yang boleh terima nisah & sayang nisah seadanya.., tapi single pon sonok gak..bak kate kawan nisah sorang nih "Single & Adorable".. Tapi papepon, jodoh ditangan tuhan..., maybe i'm still too childish..xyeh bagi kawen lagi, belum jumpa orang yang sesuai, belum sampai masa..& pape reason yang seangkatan denganya.

The fourth one.....Ape lagi yeh...hurm.... I'm happy with what i have..dalam erti kara lain..(nak jugak translate) bersyukur dengan apa yang kita ada..

Nisah harap dengan umor yang bertambah nih, amalan nisah pon akan bertambah jugak & bukannya dosa. Nisah harap nisah akan jadi hamba Allah yang disayangi dan diredhaiNya..

Umor yang Allah bagi niadalah peluang untuk nisah perbaiki lagi kelemahan & kekurangan nisah terutamanya dalam menjadi hamba Allah yang taat, anak yang berbudi dan muslimah yang sejati..Aamiinn..